Logger Script 25th CIA Sparta English Camp 2-4004 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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25th CIA Sparta English Camp 2-4004

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,169회    댓글: 0

Korean Name: Sung Min                                                           I.D Number: 2-4004

English Name: Brown



I came to the Philippines without knowing what will be my life there. I came to the Philippines together with my friend. I arrived in the Philippines on July 26. 2015. I’ve seen faces who kept on smiling and saying hello. Later that time. I just knew that they are my teachers. They are very nice and approachable. They helped me when I badly need help. On my first day in CIA English camp. I felt very nervous because I only know Tommy. I don’t have other friends here. It’s my first time to stay away from my family. When I got a chance to know each other in our room. I felt very happy. I joined CIA English camp because my friend joined a camp before and he could speak English very well. That’s why I decided to join this camp. My first friend in CIA is Tommy. He is my friend in Korea too. We came here together. He is very funny and cute. My memorable experiences in CIA were going to Plantation Bay. and water sports. Riding a jet ski and banana boat were incredible. I enjoyed it very much. It was so fun. I like to try it again with my family and friends. The things that I’ve learned here in CIA English Camp are to write and speak English. Though I am not very good at it. but at least my English speaking skill was improved. I want to join CIA English Camp again because it is fun and I like to see the teachers in CIA again.   




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