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23rd CIA Chinese English Camp C4004

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,130회    댓글: 0



My Experiences in CIA Camp

I was excited to visit Philippines; I left my family in China because I want to learn English in Philippines. I arrived at Cebu on July 13. 2014 and it was a bit tiring but I enjoyed the trip. On my first day. I’m so excited to meet friends and teachers but I felt shy whenever they ask about me because I only have my Chinese friends to talk with. I am really happy that I meet friends from Japan. Korea and from my teacher in the Philippines. Learning is enjoyable. English is very important to me because I can communicate to other people using this language. I joined CIA in order for me to learn and enhance my listening. reading. speaking and writing skills.

My first friends are Chinese. They are Melody. Julia. Ellen. Carlo. Mary. Andy. Susan and Jona. Melody is beautiful. Julia is very funny. Ellen is very calm. Carro is quiet. Mary has a lot of money. Candy is very cute. Susan is Jona’s mother. Jona is very cute also. I had many memorable experiences in CIA Camp. I really like the Plantation Bay. There are many pools and it’s very beautiful. The sea is beautiful too. There is one pool that is salty because the water used is coming from the sea. I love the experience also when we have our Crocolandia Tour. There were many crocodiles. birds. snakes and other animals. I enjoy my CIA adventures. 

 I’ve learned in CIA English Camp many games. Philippine game is so good. Newspaper dance was exciting. Eggplant game was also very funny. In CIA I learned many words and I learn how to deal with other people and friends. I also learned songs like I can live. I have learned a lot. I enjoy a lot and I’m happy for this kind of experience I have.

Yes. I want to join CIA English Camp again because I learned many things. These things make me complete and happy. CIA is good. They teach us to learn English and make friends with others. 


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