Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K8021 KIM DOYUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K8021 KIM DOYUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-21 21:41:53    조회: 1,981회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines on December 24 year 2018. Around 3:00 AM, I was in the Philippines. I found Philippines very hot and humid. I came to the hotel by bus and slept in villa 18 at 4:00 AM. Some teachers oriented us and I ate some snacks but felt sleepy. I feel very hot and very sleepy. I was tired because I came here by plane. I felt hot because Korea was winter then. I am not used to the weather. I thought it was just the start and there will be more things to do. My cousin searched for an English camp and thought that she might come. She found CIA English Camp so she talked to me about this. My mother knew it and she agreed. She sent me here to study. I also liked to join CIA English Camp because I want to learned more on english. I have many friends in CIA Camp. My first friend were Seung gun, Hun, Keven, James, Heon Min,Tony and Jake. I met them because we stayed on the same villa. They were good and funny. I used to have good time with them. I have a lot of memorable experiences in CIA Camp. I think playing and talking with my friends at night was the most memorable. The first shopping was also memorable. We went to Sm Seaside on my first shopping and it was very huge. Also the Edge Coaster experience because it was very scary but very exciting. I learned to speak more fluent and learned a lot of English words. I learned that shopping alone very fun. I also knew how to spend my money wisely. I learned to clean my room and fix my things by myself. I also knew teamwork and it was very helpful. Maybe I will join CIA again if my friends will come too. If my friends don't come again, I would rather stay at home and play. I want to see and meet my best teachers again. If teachers will come again to English Camp again, I will come too. My teachers were good and funny.




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